2023 Update: A Warning to Christopher Paul Brands and the Business Community

Jamie Law, Jamie Edward Law
Jamie Law, Jamie Edward Law

I want to bring to light a crucial update on Jamie Law. Our previous post exposed how he scammed my company out of $256,000. In this article, we delve into his deceitful history and urge caution as he has now joined forces with a company called Christopher Paul Brands.

Jamie Law’s Deceptive Background: Jamie Law’s (Jamie Edward Law) history of unethical business practices dates back several years, leaving a trail of broken promises and unpaid debts. Born in January 1989 in the UK, Law moved between Ireland, Spain, and Austria, while his girlfriend resided in Hamburg, Germany. He has a UK citizenship.

Law’s company, BrkMob (aka BreakMob), owned by JJGMS Ltd, failed to pay debts amounting to several million USD to various individuals and companies. Instead of resolving the issue, Law went into hiding, severing communication and shirking responsibility.

Our Own Unpleasant Experience with Jamie Law: Our company faced payment issues with BrkMob since November 2015. Law managed to deceive us into floating a large invoice of $306,000. After hours of communication and in-person meetings, Law agreed to a partial prepayment of $50,000 as a sign of goodwill. However, he ultimately ceased all communication, leaving us with no other option but to expose his deceitful nature. My company is still owed 256,000$ USD

The Truth Behind Jamie Law’s Financial Empire: Despite claiming that his company suffered losses, Law has access to a significant fortune hidden in various offshore companies, such as Media Crest Ltd (Labuan) and Gamma Overseas Limited (Belize). Using firms like SCF Group, Law keeps his money away from legal repercussions and taxes.

Christopher Paul Brands: Beware of Jamie Law’s Fraudulent Past: Although Christopher Paul Brands had no direct involvement in Law’s previous scams, their current partnership with Law is alarming. We advise businesses and individuals to exercise caution when dealing with Jamie Law.

2017 – April Update – Jamie Law

Jamie Law, Jamie Edwards Law - SCAMMER
Jamie Law, Jamie Edwards Law

Just an update here regarding the situation between myself, Jamie Law and others involved in the situation (Jaspal Tatla, Christian Bech, Adam Lindstrom), as well as others who were affected (20+ companies, over 2mm lost).

Jamie Law (Jamie Edward Law), predictably, went radio Silent and has not reached out or responded to me since around August of last year, right after I was sent a last wire payment almost as a way of trying to get rid of me.

The debt he himself, his company which has now been dissolved (JJGMS Ltd) owe me is still outstanding at just over $256,000 USD

I am aware, that Jamie himself has probably come across this blog and read it, and if you are reading this here, I will continue to ensure that it’s a known fact that you are a deceptive, unreliable liar, who should never be one to do business with, until you decide to come good on your debts.


Unless you enjoy not getting paid.


Jamie Law, Jamie Edwards Law

Jamie Edward Law – Unsettled Debt – $256,387.75 USD

Jamie Law
Jamie Law

This website is dedicated to calling out several individuals, but mainly Jamie Law (Jamie Edward Law) from the UK, born January 1989, who was residing in Ireland, then Spain, then Austria, with a girlfriend who resides in Hamburg, Germany. He has UK citizenship. In short, the guy has fallen short on paying back his debts with my company, as well as failed to pay over a million USD back to others who are also owed, trying to escape responsibility by claiming he himself, and his company, have suffered losses. Jamie seems to believe that this is sufficient reasoning to not pay his bills. He has since ceased all communication with me, which to my indication, means he is not going to pay me or my company and I am forced to expose him further in hopes that everybody realises what a poor businessman he is and that he lacks any ethical backbone, is completely under-qualified and will fail to pay on time, when bills are due, if he pays AT ALL.

This a payment issue I’ve been facing since November 2015 from a smaller network named “BrkMob” (aka BreakMob / brkmob.com [now down]) who was owned by JJGMS Ltd, and the directors of the company are Jamie Law and Jaspal Tatla.

After hours of back-and-forth communication, Jamie agreed to a partial “prepayment” to work on some new projects together as a sign of goodwill ($50,000). As a note, he has stopped responding to any message and thus, any plans of trying to get the debt repaid has been voided and his solution to this was to just run away like a coward, and incompetent businessman.

We had a meeting in person in Vienna, Austria, in August 2016, and spent hours on the phone to which he came up with the great idea to send me $50,000 to try and team up and work on something to chip away at his $306,000 USD outstanding debt with me. This has never eventuated, so in total, I am still owed over $256,000 USD.

Something that Jamie had mentioned during our face-to-face meeting is that he, *should* have put the money he owed to me aside in a holding company, away from BrkMob / JJGMS, so that I would be taken care of, but failed to do so, admitting this was a mistake (amongst others) he himself had made. In my opinion, this puts the onus on Jamie, but he disagrees that is his responsibility to pay out until Purple House pays him first. He admitted that I am technically the only one owed directly by BrkMob (for a portion of the debt), and everyone who is owed for FunkyClock is owed directly by Purple House/Puprle123.

To be “factually correct”, Jamie does not have a personal fortune worth millions, but all the money which directly or indirectly belongs to himself is kept in companies. In essence, he and Jaspal still have access to millions, but are legally protected by storing the money in companies or offshore entities. So effectively, they do have millions.

So here’s just a heads up for those in the industry, the entire suite of companies behind these sweepstakes offers came crumbling down (Purple123/PurpleHouse), dragging down BrkMob in the process.

The white-label of PurpleHouse’s SweepStakes product and name it “FunkyClock”, which subsequently went down with all other products as soon as their processing and merchant accounts started getting hit hard with charge-backs and bank fines, is what caused BrkMob to go down and subsequently burn everyone who ran directly through him in the process.

My company was one of the worst hit, with much of the debt owed completely unrelated to the FunkyClock product itself, but rather a large amount of traffic being run to other offers. To note I am myself a sole individual affiliate marketer and do not run a large network like the majority of those owed. To note, NONE of my traffic was considered bad quality, in fact, Jamie has mentioned numerous times that my traffic was some of the best and that I would be a priority in being paid for numerous reasons, being, most of the debt is unrelated to FunkyClock, and my traffic quality was always solid.

Photo 29-04-2016, 12 28 29 PM
Photo 29-04-2016, 12 29 24 PM

The total debt was just north of $376,000 USD, of which, only two payments were ever made, one of just over $15,118 USD made in November 2015, and another payment of $55,000 USD made in Feb 2016. The total remaining debt is $306,387.75 — Update, another $50,000 was finally negotiated and paid to me in August 2016, but was paid as a “loan” to stimulate a partnership/project to help chip away at this debt to me which is unrelated to FunkyClock as I am the only person owed for non-FunkyClock traffic.

I stopped sending traffic to BrkMob around October/November when it came to my attention that payments were not being sent out any more to anyone. Prior to that, I was encouraged to run more traffic even when behind the scenes, things were falling apart.

The same rang true with other companies involved who are also owed. Communication with Jamie has mostly been good, as he responds to messages still to this date; however, he has made a lot of empty promises, numerous payment plans that never came true, one in December outlined in an Excel Spreadsheet that never came true, another one back in January where I was promised payments of $20,000 a week until the Non-FunkyClock related debt was covered ($224,431.50) and others.

After constantly questioning Jamie, I was told that he could no longer make that payment due to legal reasons (the money was coming from companies/bank accounts which were NOT JJGMS Ltd and the banks wouldn’t allow the transfer).

Jamie came across as a very unassuming, genuine character, and I still hope to this day that he finds a way to repay his debt with myself and many other companies, however, at this stage I felt it’s necessary to make this public so that everyone in the industry is aware that Jamie Law, BrkMob (BreakMob / brkmob.com [now offline]), his business partner Jaspal Tatla, the entire crew that owns Puprle123, Westeros, Myoshi, Bitgans Ltd and their many offers (RockyFroggy, Voupo, LuxQuiz) are in debt and to steer very clear of doing business with them (NB: a few people just recently left the company and were not paid salaries. I’ve also heard through the grapveine that their current employees have not been recieving salaries).

Jamie claims that the SkillGame companies owe his network BrkMob, and thus therefore are the ones responsible for owing me money on the FunkyClock balance. Whilst I disagree with Jamie’s stance on this, as I was using BrkMob’s tracking links and my contract was legally with BrkMob and not PurpleHouse/Purple123.

Jamie keeps claiming that “BrkMob” has no money and always seems to ignore the fact that he himself, and his business partner, have access to plenty of money and they were are the sole directors / owners of the company, the the onus is on them, REGARDLESS of which entity we are discussing.

Photo 29-04-2016, 12 34 00 PM
Photo 29-04-2016, 12 34 04 PM

After speaking with Jamie last, he had mentioned numerous times that “you may not get the entire payment at all” — a far cry from the conversation we were having a few months ago, where I said his situation is reminiscent of Ryan Eagle all over again and he claimed I would “eat my own words when he repays every last dollar”.

I also have voice recordings of entire phone conversations we had, which will be held in case of any court-cases/proceedings, should I be able to sue. At this stage it seems Jamie has liquidated all of the assets from JJGMS ltd and is hiding his fortune in companies offshore.

Companies Where His Money Is Hidden (that I know of):

-Media Crest Ltd (Company #LL12097 situated in Labuan)
-Gamma Overseas Limited (Belize)

And probably many more companies being used as Jamie uses this firm for his offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes http://www.scfgroup.com/

I am still owed over $256,000 USD, of which $119,431.50 is Exclusively BRKMOB debt, and $136,956.25 being “FunkyClock” debt (however which way you want to characterize it).